A property mediator is a mediator who can help you resolve any type of property dispute. When we think of property we automatically think of a house, apartment or flat, (bricks and mortar). In the majority of the mediations we have conducted in this field, they have indeed involved an actual property.
What Other Property
However, there are many other types of property that can be the subject of a dispute some quite obvious, some downright bizarre. Below are examples of some of the other types of property disputes we have mediated.
Designer clothes
Football season tickets
Pets (mainly cats and dogs) in one instance a lion cub, (don’t ask)!
Timeshares relating to holiday homes
White goods, electronic devices.
Why The Dispute
Typically, the parties have been in some sort of a relationship, usually married / living together (friends, siblings) they decide to separate (fall out), then it all comes down to, who owns what, or more importantly who paid for what, and who is entitled to what. It gets extremely messy when a party is claiming ownership of property in the absence of any proof.
To substantiate their claims the parties are requested to evidence the same. With a house, piece of land this is usually straightforward, as the owner will be able to produce the land registry, mortgage documents, and bank statements of repayment of any mortgage. However, we have mediated disputes whereby one party gave the other money towards a deposit on a house, in cash, whereby there is no specific proof this was done. These types of property disputes are particularly difficult to navigate.
Tips for finding the right property mediator , before you appoint them, check their accreditations, are they insured, what experience do they have in this field, do they have any reviews, clients you can talk to, who can share their experience of them mediating for them. How many years have they been mediating, how many property mediations, or mediations in general have they conducted. What is their success rate. Do not necessarily go for the cheapest, or the most expensive, cost does not determine quality. You need the correct property mediator for your dispute, to ensure they are the right fit, and that they can hopefully lead you towards a solution.